Typewriters in the sky

I remember being nervous the first time I flew with a typewriter, which was about a year ago. This video by Joe Van Cleave helped a lot to ease my anxiety.

It turned out that there was nothing to be worried about. Most domestic U.S. airlines will let you bring your typewriter on board as a personal item. Bulkier machines that I occassionally transport from Poland to the U.S. are stored in my registered luggage. There's no need to be concerned that something might happen to the typewriter. They're sturdy machines built to outlast us, and they come with an additional protective casing.

The reaction to a typewriter is always positive. I enjoy seeing faces of the TSA agents as my machine is carried on the X-ray belt for screening. People usually respond with friendly smiles and questions, and you might even run into another typewriter enthusiast if you're lucky (it happened to me once).


When science meets art: Constanza Rojas-Molina


2022 Midwest Perzine Festival