2022 Midwest Perzine Festival

Last weekend, I went to my first zine fest, the Midwest Perzine Festival, at Columbia College in Chicago. The event was smaller than I had anticipated, with fewer than twenty tables being exhibited. This, however, resulted in a pleasant, low-key atmosphere that was ideal for a first-time attendee. Due to morning hours, there wasn't a large crowd, which made it easier to talk to fellow zinesters.

I'm not good at small talk but, talking to other zine enthusiasts was effortless, perhaps because we talked about typewriters a lot 🙃. Making my own zines to give out was a great idea. I traded the zines I made for this occasion for a number of other zines and stickers. The nicest part, however, was that Quimby's bookstore folks saw my zine and gave me their consignment form so that I could consider selling them at their store. This encourages me to keep making zines. Who knows, maybe in a year I'll have my own table there...


Typewriters in the sky


SAW Friday Night Comics Workshops