My research
I have conducted research in low- (India, Myanmar) and high-resource settings (the United States and at the European level), in areas including participatory democracy in public health governance, financial mechanisms in improving access to health services, utilization of maternal health services, environmental sustainability of health systems, global access to antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance.
Antimicrobial resistance
Identifying patterns of global antibiotic consumption based on the WHO AWaRe classification of antibiotics and evaluating practices concerning manufacturing waste
Health care financing
Evaluating the implementation of the Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana health insurance scheme for families living below the poverty line to understand mechanisms behind social exclusion from health services in Karnataka, India
Environmental sustainability
Evaluating the coverage and extent of environmental sustainability training in medical curricula and healthcare settings in the WHO European Region
Participatory democracy
Examining the application of the European Citizens’ Initiative and its significance in the field of European public health policy and health interest representation at the European level
Maternal health
Assessing barriers and facilitators of maternal health care utilization in Mandalay, Myanmar, including antenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care
Health reform framing
Reconstructing the process of reforming the health care system in Poland between 1989 and 2009 based on the narrative of the Polish Journal of Public Health to understand its role in science and policy communication