SAW Friday Night Comics Workshops

Tonight was the first SAW Friday Night Comics Workshop that I attended online. Every Friday at 7pm Eastern, a different instructor facililates a 30-minute workshop, which is followed by a drawing session.

Tonight, Mel Gillman introduced nature drawing. They gave a 30-minute talk with the goal of making drawing nature less intimidating. They shared works by various artists, demonstrating that nature can be drawn very simply.

There are a few rules that I noted down:

  • NO EXTRA POINTS AWARDED FOR DRAWING EVERY LEAF! Nobody will check your reference photos!

  • Work with a limited palette of plants, such as 4-5 species that you can draw well.

  • Include 1-2 canopy, shrub, and forest floor species (applies to other ecosystems, like an aquatic ecosystem).

  • Draw close-up elements in detail and distant elements in less detail using atmospheric perspective.

  • To communicate better, use textures rather than shapes.

  • Learn about plant structures so you can draw them better (e.g. leaf direction from top to bottom).

  • Drawings become more natural when plants and their sizes vary.

  • Leave some negative space around your focal point, which is usually the main character.

  • Consider nature in the foreground as well as background.

  • Don’t forget about wind! It brings energy to your drawing. The same as clouds.


Later, it was time for some practice: we were asked to replicate a somewhat detailed nature drawing in our own style, and to draw ourselves as a focal point in the scene. We drew for ten minutes and then anyone who wanted to share their drawings could do so.

Drawing with others was a fantastic way to spend a Friday night. I clearly didn’t follow some of the above rules :). And seeing other people’s work was very inspiring and fun. You are also welcome to join; the event is free.

Mel’s reference image

My drawing


2022 Midwest Perzine Festival


Zine fest prep day: 2022 Midwest Perzine Festival, Chicago