When science meets art: Constanza Rojas-Molina
A blog post by Jessica Abel of Autonomous Creative led me recently to discover the work of Constanza Rojas-Molina. As a science communicator, Rojas-Molina combines mathematics and illustration. On her blog, The RAGE of the Blackboard, she posts illustrated interviews with female scientists, among others. Below are some of her amazing pieces that I found while browsing her website. You can read more about Rojas-Molina’s unique career route in Jessica Abel's original piece. Personally, I'm intrigued by a similar path that combines public health and drawing, and her work inspires me to look for ways to do so.
Constanza Rojas-Molina, Illustrated interview with Susanna Terracini (U. Torino), 2019 (excerpt)
Constanza Rojas-Molina, Graphic summary of Eugenia Cheng’s radio interview, 2018 (excerpt)
Constanza Rojas-Molina, The Heidelberg Laureate Forum - a graphic summary, 2016 (excerpt)