Illustration inspiration: Mari Andrew

I just finished reading Mari Andrew's My Inner Sky: On Embracing Day, Night, and All the Times in Between. I enjoyed reading the essays, which were accompanied by lovely watercolor illustrations. Trying to find more information on how the artist has developed her unique style, I came across this YouTube video of Andrew featuring an exercise for her Skillshare class.

The exercise involves drawing a themed heart to represent our emotional state in relation to a specific situation or season. It can be done for important events in our lives or during times of transition. It teaches to be observant and reflect on what is trully going on in our hearts and minds.

As March has already begun, I wanted to make a few observations about my heart in the spring. That was a really fun and creative exercise!


The Mastheads Residency - call for proposals


The world in pictures: Maps by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinscy