The world in pictures: Maps by Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielinscy
I love studying and drawing maps. Maps by Aleksandra Mizielinska and Daniel Mizielinski was a book I had heard a lot about, so I finally decided to give it.
And let me tell you, those illustrations are jam-packed with information, making places one might not be particularly interested in seem fascinating and worth learning about. Unlike reading about all those places, the visual presentation of information about a location must undoubtedly improve fact retention.
I enjoyed looking at the maps of different countries and seeing how they are depicted differently, such as in the case of more biologically diverse African countries, for example. Most importantly, after studying the maps, I got the impression that the authors made a concerted effort to present each country's abundance, offering not only landmarks and distinctive features of major urban centers, but also glimpses into each country's unique culture and natural resources.
Democratic Republic of the Congo. Maps by Aleksandra Mizielinska i Daniel Mizielinski, Big Picture Press, 2012.
Cuba. Maps by Aleksandra Mizielinska i Daniel Mizielinski, Big Picture Press, 2012.
United States of America. Maps by Aleksandra Mizielinska i Daniel Mizielinski, Big Picture Press, 2012.