Exploring Prague’s libraries

I enjoy visiting local libraries when I travel and that's exactly what happened this summer when I was in Prague, Czechia. I'd like to thank my sister Hanna for making sure I saw these amazing places 🙂.

First, I had the opportunity to see an intriguing book installation at the Municipal Library. Matej Kren’s “Idiom” is essentially a tower made of hundreds of books. However, when you look inside through an opening in the wall, the mirrors placed at the bottom and the top give you the impression that the book tunnel is endless.

Then it was time for Klementinum, a 17th-century complex that once housed a Jesuit college and now houses one of the most stunning baroque libraries.

The collection of geografical and astronomical globes on the left immediately draws one's attention upon entering. The ceiling is decorated with frescoes by Jan Hiebl, and in the background is a portrait of Emperor Joseph II, to whom the library owes many of its volumes. Unfortunately, it is not possible to enter the library hall and examine its collection and the remarkable interior.


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