Drawing haiku comics

I learned about haiku comics last month at David Lasky's SAW Friday Night Workshop. The purpose of haiku comics, which are influenced by the Japanese poem format, is to draw a short comic about small moments in one's life that would otherwise be forgotten.

Here are examples of haiku comics by David:

So I decided to give it a try and make this type of comics frequently at the end of my day. I'm actually remembering more from my days now, and it's a lovely way to keep small memories, both good and bad ones, and be more mindful. As with anything you want to do on a regular basis, I really appreciate the constraints that come with this format, which make keeping the habit of daily drawing manageable. To make life easier, I don't always use the 7-5-7 haiku poem format. I can't wait to see my collection of haiku comics in a few months.

Below are some of my pieces:


The Healing Typewriter: drawing first art spread


Character development for a children's graphic novel