Character development for a children's graphic novel

This week, in the Children's Book Academy course on Mastering Great Graphic Novels & Hybrids, which I mentioned in my previous update, we delved into character development. I'm beginning to grasp the multitude of factors that must considered when creating a fictional character, such as physical appearance, personality, hobbies, friends, and relationships. Non-fiction comics come much more easily to me. You must really get to know your characters and understand motivations, fears, and desires. Nonetheless, I've managed to narrow down the description of my character. Let me to introduce you to her:

Meet Kira, a timid nine-year-old whose life takes an unexpected turn when she is faced with the frightening reality of leg-lengthening surgery. This keeps her homeschooled and isolated from the company of her peers, while also making her a target of hurtful remarks made by other children. Kira struggles with the feeling of being different, longing to be understood and accepted. Her disability doesn't limit her enthusiasm for life; instead, it fuels her determination to overcome obstacles and inspire others. She is compassionate, empathetic, and always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need.

But the fate has a special gift in store for Kira - a typewriter, passed down through generations, bearing her very name. The typewriter becomes Kira’s trusted confidant and a constant companion in her solitary world. Kira finds the courage to pour her heart out onto the pages, expressing her deepest fears and desires. Little does she know that her words will spark a journey of self-discovery not only for her, but also for other children. Kira’s writing inspires many voices, from her classmates to other children with disabilities, all yearning to be heard and understood. 

This contemporary story depicts a world where the past and present collide, as a forgotten typewriter unlocks a world of wonderful and possibility. With each stroke of the keys, Kira embarks on an exploration of resilience, imagination, and the power of creativity, discovering the transformative power of vulnerability, the joy of connection, and the indomitable spirit that resides within each of us.

It's been a little over a week since I started the course, and I must say that I never expected to receive such in-depth feedback on my preliminary work. The feedback compelled me to reconsider my ideas, and as a result, my story has significantly improved. This is, I suppose, the nature of intensive courses, but given that this is my first intensive course, receiving extensive feedback and developing your story accordingly has been one of the most rewarding experiences.


Drawing haiku comics


2023 Chicago Alternative Comics Expo (CAKE)