Welcome to SAWgust, a monthly drawing challenge!

Recently, I haven't given my graphic novel much attention. Now that the Graphic Medicine Conference is over, I have more time and motivation to work on it. I've been putting off this project longer than any other, so I know it's time to get started.

That is why I'm excited about the SAWgust challenge. Inspired by the NaNoWriMo writing challenge, students at Sequential Artists Workshop will be drawing and sharing their art online every day throughout August. This is exactly what I need right now.

My challenge for SAWgust is to create thirty-two pages of black and white drawings. Because I've been drawing mostly on my iPad lately, it's important for me to get back to drawing by hand for this challenge. After reading Rachael Herron's Fast-Draft Your Memoir: Write Your Life Story in 45 Hours, I also want to write a page of text for my graphic novel per day. If I manage to complete this challenge, I'll have more material and drawings for my graphic novel than I do now. That is why having constraints is critical for success. Another essential factor is community support. This year, over a hundred people will be drawing together. I'm excited to hear feedback on my drawings and see how other artists achieve their creative goals for the month.

Starting today, I'll be posting daily drawings from this challenge. Have you recently attempted similiar challenges, such as drawing every day for a set period of time? What have you learned from such an experience?

SAWgust Day 1


SAWgust Day 2


2023 Lockport’s Comicopolis