Weekend Wednesday at the library

In Matt D’Avella’s Slow Growth September newsletter, I learned about a video by CGP Grey called “Weekend Wednesday” which introduces the benefits of taking a day off in the middle of the week. Instead of taking time off on weekends, the video suggests taking time off on Sundays and Wednesdays. In fact, I believe that any combination of 2-3 days of work followed by a day off would be equally effective in restoring productivity and maintaining motivation at work. Excited to give the idea a try (and fortunate to be able to plan my own schedule), I decided to spend my Wednesday off last week in the Nichols Library in Naperville, IL. 

Weekend Wednesday

I adore the place and come there at least once a week, although I never stay longer than 30 minutes. Spending there a few hours at a time was a nice change. It was not difficult, though, because the library has so much to offer.

I ate breakfast at home and armed with my iPad, a water bottle, snacks, and an extra sweatshirt, I set out to find out what the day had to offer. Let the adventure begin!

Although cloudy, it turned out to be a pleasant day. Despite the fact that it was only 10:00 am when I arrived, the library was already quite busy: people looking for books, librarians assisting readers, the steady buzz of copy machines working in the background. I spent the first two hours reading a book on libraries that I wanted to return that day. Before leaving for lunch, I had a pick at the used books section. 

At noon, I went on a one-hour walk around downtown Naperville, savoring the town’s autumnal appearance. I treated myself to lunch at the riverwalk while having a long phone talk with my sister. 

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After returning to the library, I went over some books on collages and mixed media techniques that I had requested the night before. I browsed through beautifully illustrated volumes in the children’s department, something I typically don’t have time to do. I usually order books online, but this time I had all of the time in the world to choose whatever attracted my interest. In the late afternoon, when I was losing my focus, I turned to the community puzzles. 

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It was a day full of rest and creative inspiration. I had to fight the urge to work in such a conducive environment for focused work. Instead, I browsed the shelves, picking up books, movies, and CDs. Getting out of the house was such an easy thing to do, but I don’t do it on my own very frequently. It’s great to switch things up every now and then and loosely arrange your day so there’s room for improvisation and adventure. Weekend Wednesdays may not be something I’ll do every week, but they will become a regular of my creativity/productivity repertoire.


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An ode to libraries