My first attempt at urban sketching

Taking advantage of the fact that I’m currently in Chicago, I wanted to try some urban sketching. I’d never done that before, and the idea was definitely intimidating. But, because my sketchbook encourages me to experiment, I sat in front of my hotel window to draw the scenery I was seeing. To avoid overthinking, I chose to draw with a black ink hotel pen.

Sketching patiently and filling up the pages was very relaxing and I was having so much fun. I was grateful that I didn't have to draw in the cold and bustle of the city, but rather in the warmth and quiet of a hotel room.

I realized that while I approached this exercise enthusiastically at the start, as the time passed, I lost focus and wasn't as detailed as I was at the very beginning. I'm also learning that drawing and sketching are about capturing the right amount of detail rather than perfectly mirroring the view that you see. Also, perspective is definitely something I need to work on. Given my lack of experience, this was an ambitious endeavor, and it feels great to have completed it.


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Inside book homes: Women & Children First, Chicago