Type-writing over collecting

I want to share a great piece by Joe Van Cleave posted by project_typewriter (@Typewritermania) on Twitter the other day. You can also watch Joe speaking on the same subject here.

I haven't typed anything on any of my four typewriters in at least a month. While owning a typewriter was once solely for the sake of writing, I'm now guilty of collecting those beautiful machines. I have some rules to follow in order to keep my typewriter collection from growing too big. I'm allowed to get a typewriter if I don't already own a model from a particular manufacturer. The only exception is that I am permitted to rescue typewriters if I believe they may end up thrown away. This is how I recently came to own a Royal Futura 800, which I found at an oil change place in Naperville.

I cleaned it and ordered a new ribbon, but it’s been almost two months and I still haven’t used it. Worst, my lovely Mum, who is aware of my fascination with typewriters, brings new home whenever she has the opportunity. As a result, I have now three additional models that I only saw in photographs, waiting to be tested the next time I visit Poland.

I think it’s high time to give my typewriters some much-needed love and let my fingers get tired again. Also, possibly let some go to good homes and spread that typewriter love as expressed by Joe:

“By spreading the love out there, spreading the typewriter love, getting them into the hands of other people, you enable the creativity of so many more people out there, who can discover typewriters for themselves also.”


A word of motivation from Darrell Fusaro


The monsters in our heads