One-sitting reads: A Short Guide to a Happy Life by Anna Quindlen

Anna Quindlen's A Little Guide to a Happy Life is a lovely published short book full of life wisdom from a seasoned author, artist, and woman. It can be consumed in a single evening, but it will undoubtedly prompt a lot of thought. It's a book about being enough, staying true to oneself, accepting life as it comes, and, most importantly, appreciating the process.


I found the following quotes to be particularly moving:

  • “No one ever said on his deathbed I wish I had spent more time at the office.”

  • “If you win a rat race, you’re still a rat.”

  • “I’m a good mother of three good children. I have tried never to let my profession to stand in the way of being a good parent.”

  • “Get a life in which you have time to notice and appreciate little things.”

  • “Get a life in which you’re generous. Don’t take life for granted. Care so deeply about its goodness that you want to spread it around.”

  • “Knowledge of our own mortality is the greatest gift God ever gives us.”

  • “I learned to love the journey, not the destination. Today is the only guarantee you get.”


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