Lian Cho on how to learn to draw anything
I really enjoyed Lian Cho’s illustrated post, How to Learn to Draw Anything, which Austin Kleon recently shared in one of his newsletters. Cho recalls a time when she needed to draw one hundred dragons for a publication, despite the fact that she has never drawn a dragon in her life.
I appreciated Cho's honesty about her insecurities and lack of experience illustrating dragons, as well as her description of the learning process, which included studying reference images, a lot of tracing to find her style, and finally developing her own designs (see below). I'm always interested in learning about artists' creative processes, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to see her work in progress. This post is both informative and entertaining, and I highly recommend reading it if you're learning to draw.
Lian Cho, How to Learn to Draw Anything
Lian Cho, How to Learn to Draw Anything