Drawing with Verbal to Visual: book illustrations

Doug Neill from Verbal to Visual is probably my favorite instructor of sketchnoting and visual thinking. He can show so well how much better we can learn when we incorporate visuals into our work. The videos of him using sketchnoting to make visual book notes are really fun to watch. In today's episode, Doug introduced us to the illustrations by Mike Rohde in the book Rework by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson. I appreciate how simple yet effective they are in enhancing the message of the book. We were tasked with recreating one of the illustrations from the chapter Pour Yourself Into Your Product. When I gave it some thought, I want to be more authentic and reflective in my work for the sake of learning. I'm excited about Doug's new video format and the additional opportunities to draw together. What idea from a recently read book would you like to illustrate in order to remember it for a longer time?


Happy Halloween!


Typewriters for kids: The Lonely Typewriter by Peter Ackerman