DIY advent calendar for a writer

December has arrived, and this year I've decided to make an advent calendar. Rather than material gifts, I like the idea of giving yourself some self-care or useful practice with such a calendar.

For the month of December, I want to cultivate the practice of freewriting. So I prepared twenty-four pieces of paper and jotted down ideas I'd like to write about. Every day, I intend to pick up one piece of paper and type at least one full page on that topic. I haven't written extensively on a typewriter in several weeks, and I'd like to resume this practice. I also chose subjects that I had been putting off writing about for a long time, such as relationships.

In order to make the entire practice even more fun, I added a miniature chocolate and a tea to each pocket for me to enjoy while I write.

What kind of thoughtful and practice-filled advent calendar would you make for yourself?


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