Advice on creating by Amber Rae

As a beginner writer, I frequently question whether what I'm writing is any good. I came across some simple and honest advice on creating, not just writing, in Amber Rae’s book The Answers Are Within You, and I wanted to capture it so I could refer to it later when doubts arise.

Amber writes:

“Here are the sweet spots I've found in creating things that resonate:

It's personal. When you go through the process of making your insides and vulnerabilities visible, that is often where some of your best, most authentic work will come to the surface. When you're brave enough to channel your fears, insecurities, and curiosities into what you create, it makes others feel like they aren't alone in their lives.

It's universal. While the details in each of our stories may look different, we can all relate to the same set of emotions. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who has not also experienced grief, joy, envy, anxiety, awe, and fear. It's easy to think we are unique and alone in feeling, thinking, and behaving the way we do - but what's personal to you is universal to all.

It's a little uncomfy. Strive to make work that makes you a little uncomfortable. Not so uncomfortable that you're not making progress, but just enough that you're pushing your edges. Try something new, something you're not sure will work. The mystery is what keeps things interesting.”


Happy National Typewriter Day!


Dealing with creative self-doubt: “It has already been done”