A week of drawing food

Inspired by an exercise in Koosje Koene's Life Is Better When You Draw It, I decided to draw what I ate every day for a week. It is a fun way to get started drawing more consistently, and having a topic in mind keeps you from staring at a blank page for too long.

From a creative standpoint, this was a great way to unwind at the end of each day and a practice that I looked forward to. I'd take pictures of my food or make notes during the day, then draw in the evening. It also made me more conscious of my food choices and habits.

It's been a long time since I've been consistent with drawing in my sketchbook, and I'll miss this challenge now that it's over. I'm already thinking of my next weekly drawing project to give myself a new goal.


Creating a graphic memoir: writing a draft script for the first chapter


Watch this if you think you can’t draw