2022 Graphic Medicine Conference - Day 1

Today was the first day of the 2022 Graphic Medicine Conference in Chicago. It was a conference unlike any other, and I've attended many domestic and international conferences. I couldn't sleep the night before because I was so excited. In fact, I wasn't presenting anything this time. This conference was more than just a chance for me to learn new things and connect with people in the field, as is usually the case at scientific meetings. Above all, this conference brought together people whose creative and very personal work I greatly admire.

Being in the same room with all those creative and incredibly talented people was an experience I'd never had before, and it felt special. I can best describe how I felt by equating it to going to a favorite band's concert or a beloved author's book signing.

MK Czerwiec, who was one of the meeting's organizers, was the inspiration behind my desire to attend the meeting. My interest in graphic medicine was sparked by her comic book, Taking Turns.

I was thrilled to attend a workshop with Tom Hart, whose graphic memoir, Rosalie Lightning, I read a few months ago. I also recently got his book on creating a graphic memoir, which I’m using to create my own graphic novel and which Tom signed at the end of the workshop. More students from Tom's school, The Sequential Artists Workshop (SAW), spoke about the life-changing effects of telling your story in a visual way. It was inspiring to see those who had experienced trauma now helping others who had gone through difficult times through storytelling. I also bought a SAW anthology with the most recent work of its students from the Graphic Medicine Memoir group.

The conference program was full of other great events, such as zine making. In addition, one room was entirely dedicated to the art studio, where you could work quietly on your art. I brought home a lot of ideas and names of authors and titles that I want to check out.

Today was amazing in that I was surrounded by people who are not afraid to talk about their emotions and show vulnerability. Everyone was very friendly, down-to-earth, and approachable. I don’t recall ever being in such a creative and encouraging environment. And I’m realizing that’s the kind of environment I want to be in more often. I can't wait for day two!


2022 Graphic Medicine Conference - Day 2


Giving my first graphic medicine lecture