Tools for writers: Typing Writer

I recently began using the app Typing Writer, which I discovered on YouTube. It is essentially a typewriter simulator that can be used on a digital device such as an iPad. I like how it has a simple interface and imitates the sounds of the keys and the typewriter's bell.

Sometimes I just want to write something longer and I don't feel like pulling my typewriter out of its case and sitting by a desk. Often times all I want to do is type while lying in bed, which is when the app comes in handy. I prefer the distraction-free environment of the app than using a word processor. It doesn't replace a typewriter or a pen and paper, but there are times when I'd rather use this app to write something than not write at all.

When I'm done writing, I usually save my documents as TXT files to Google Drive. Although it might not seem like an efficient writing tool, I don't mind going over a document to correct errors and rewrite sections because that's what allows me to understand the material better. And perhaps most importantly, it is yet another tool that eliminates my excuses for not writing.


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