The diary of an artist: Daybook by Anne Truitt
I've always enjoyed reading biographical works, because I find it incredibly interesting to learn about other people's lives, especially those who have achieved success on their own terms. I've been reading a lot lately to discover more about how artists develop their creative processes and balance other aspects of their lives.
This is why I picked up Anne Truitt's Daybook: The Journal of an Artist. Truitt was an American sculptor, painter, and writer and the latter is evident in her beautiful, deep writing.
The book was initially intended to be just an experiment. In 1974, after two significant exhibitions of her life's work (she was 53 years old at that time), Truitt began journaling in the hopes that it would help her rediscover herself.
This is how she expressed her growing interest in sculpting and painting, which echoed my own transition from public health research to the creative world:
"As I sat looking at the landscape, I began to realize that my personal experience felt more valuable to me than my academic training. I had been working as a Red Cross nurse's aide during the summer following my graduation, and the care of the patients, mostly poor mountain folk, had opened my eyes to a whole new range of human life as well as to the satisfaction of using my hands. The more I turned it over in my mind, the more clearly I saw that what I wanted was a personal involvement with people rather than theoretical knowledge."
Anne Truitt: Sculpture 1962-2004. Matthew Marks Gallery, 2010. Source:
I was just as engrossed when reading about another woman's creative journey, which included dealing with criticism, the difficulties and rewards of exhibiting, artistic inspirations, and evolution as an artist, as I was reading about her life challenges, such as financial hardships, the ups and downs of motherhood, and her own childhood.