Reflections from The Artist’s Way, Week 5: Recovering a sense of possibility

This week, we are taught to let go of our scarcity mindset and to be open to all of the possibilities that may come our way. The problem with opportunities is that we frequently fail to recognize them, or, more accurately, fail to allow ourselves to take advantage of them. What I'm going through right now is more like paralysis as a result of having too many options of what to do with my life. At the same time, taking the leap into the unknown feels scary. Cameron emphasizes that learning to accept the universe's generosity is one of the goals of our creative recovery.

Morning pages: First, I did not do Morning Pages over the weekend. I simply forgot because weekends are when I take a break from writing. Then I failed miserably the rest of the week. Being sick, I journaled some, but not extensively or first thing in the morning. I assumed it would be the simplest task to complete each week, but I guess I became overconfident and so in control that I thought I don't need them anymore. The truth is that I couldn't focus cery well this week, and writing anything of value felt nearly impossible. And I atribute those feelings to the fact that I skipped Morning Pages.

Synchronicities: I read about making zines in Malaka Gharib's graphic novel, I Was Their American Dream. There was even a little guide on how to make a one-page zine, which I'm obsessed with.

Artist date: I discovered an Asian market in my neighborhood. I love seeing ingredients that I normally don't cook with. I enjoyed being creative in the kitchen this week. When I prepare meals now, I put on an apron bought a few years ago and never used, it makes me feel more adventurous. This week's creations included kimchi and boiled peanuts, among others.


Making a zine a day for 365 days: Sarah Mirk’s Year of Zines


Zine-making: Volume 2 of Up Close and Personal with Typewriters