Making cards: abstract watercolor painting

I find abstract art intimidating. Having said that, I was intrigued by a video on how to make homemade abstract watercolor cards by Karen Rice Watercolour Tutorials that I recently saw on YouTube. Encouraged by the final result, I was eager to try it out for the first time. I prepared my paper by blocking off borders with washi tape and started painting.

Below are some of the cards created by Karen Rice (I recommend watching the entire video):

As well as mine:

Attempting abstract art made me realize why I was so hesitant to begin. Having so many different ways to lead a brush was overwhelming to me. Every time I noticed something more coccrete appearing on the page, I was worried that adding more strokes would worsen the image. And this is precisely where my issue lies. I want to see things take concrete forms, which is the exact opposite of abstract painting. On the other hand, I really enjoyed the process of making cards and would like to do more of it because I enjoy working with paper, and making those felt meditative.


Scanner for artwork


Dr. Maya Angelou's writing routine