Finding my tribe and welcome to the blog

Longing for connection, I have recently joined two communities/movements: Women in Global Health (Midwest chapter) and the International Society of Global Health. The first seeks to bring gender equality into the global health world dominated by male leaders. The other gives voice to independent global health researchers. Both represent values that deeply resonate with me. Participating in their activities gives me a sense of community and representation. Whenever I attend the meetings, I feel like I belong. Although we won't gather in person for a while, finding others that care about the same things is really important and helps address the experience of collective loneliness, described by Vivek Murthy in his book Together:


As I write my first post, I want this platform to be a place gathering a community around the shared values of learning, creative expression, and service. Welcome and thanks for reading. 


What does it take to be a successful researcher?