Comic-making resources: Making Comics by Scott McCloud

Scott McCloud's Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels appears frequently in resources about comic creation, so I decided to check it out as well. It is by far the best book I have read on comic-making. It's done in a form of a comic book, and the author, a comic book veteran, server as the main character and our instructor, sharing all of his knowledge and secrets with us.

Unlike other comic-making books on the market, this one focuses on the heart of the craft: telling stories in an interesting and engaging manner. I know I'll frequently refer back to the information on character and action development because it was so clearly explained.

As an aspiring cartoonist, I can only imagine how much time and effort went into this book to explain everything in comic book format with so many great examples. Scott McCloud is an illustration of an artist who excels at both practicing and teaching his craft.


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The bookmark for taking notes