Archiving written work

Inspired by Joe Van Cleave's video of him archiving his typewritten work, I spent the last two days archiving my written work, which is typically my journaling and morning pages.

I had planned to do this for a long time, but I kept putting it off. Previously, my notes were in dedicated folders, but whenever I wanted to go back to notes from a specific period, it wasn't easy to keep them tidy and I was afraid of messing up the pages because many of them were loose. Following Joe's approach, I organized my notes in A4 binders.

I turn on a podcast and got to work. I punched holes in the pages that required it. When dealing with smaller pieces of paper, I cut mounting strips of paper and taped them to my pages instead of pasting them onto A4 sheets to save paper and space.

I spent four hours organizing my notes from the last three and a half years. The system is not visually appealing, but I believe it’s now more functional, and retrieving notes will be much easier. Previously, beginning writing projects seemed intimidating because my notes weren't as well organized and I was afraid of misplacing them. I hope this post has inspired you to organize your writing so that you can finally put those notes to use in your work.


Sakura Tales: Stories from Japan by Anne Shimojima


Artist shoutout: Isabelle Lin