Academic blackout poetry

I discovered blackout poetry through Austin Kleon’s Newspaper Blackout. My poems, though, are usually based on scientific publications in public health. They either allow me to extract the essence of a complex article and the values underlying it in a language much more accessible language (Image 1) or, in other cases, to maintain a healthy distance from my profession (Image 2). Academic blackout poetry is my attempt to bring creativity to everyday concepts while also disenchanting the image of science as purely logical, with no room for reflection or, heaven forbid, humor. Feel free to join me: #AcademicBlackoutPoetry.

Milkowska, M. (2018). Fighting or deepening exclusions from health services? Social health protection program for the poor in India. Global Health: Annual Review, 1(3), 7-9
  1. Milkowska, M. (2018). Fighting or deepening exclusions from health services? Social health protection program for the poor in India. Global Health: Annual Review, 1(3), 7-9

2. The Nation’s Health, March 2021, American Public Health Association

2. The Nation’s Health, March 2021, American Public Health Association


Inside book homes: Dominicanen, Maastricht, Netherlands


Using a typewriter in 2021